DXtrade library
Check out our e-books and white papers covering topics of the financial industry

Fractional Trading – Broker’s Side Support and Risk Exposure Limitation
In this white paper, we’ll show how fractional trading can provide brokers with a dramatic competitive differentiator.

Order Sweeping Algorithms in Forex Trading
part 2
A behind the scenes look at broker operations related to liquidity management and liquidity flows in the Forex market.

The Ins and Outs of Forex Liquidity Aggregation
part 1
A behind the scenes look at broker operations related to liquidity management and liquidity flows in the Forex market.

The ABCs of Price Risk Hedging: How FX Brokers Manage Their Price Risk
Millennials are the first generation to be born into the digital age and to inherit the largest amount of wealth in history...

Broker Guide: How to Attract the Next Generation of Investors
Millennials are the first generation to be born into the digital age. They are set to inherit the largest amount of wealth in history...