This article will guide you through the essential aspects of stock trading app development, from practical considerations like feasibility and cost, to regulatory compliance and investment benefits. 

Before we get into the 5 tips, let’s start with a quick overview of what stock trading apps involve.

A native mobile or web-based application enables users to buy, sell, and manage financial securities like stocks, bonds, and ETFs directly from their devices. 

You might have noticed the trend of existing brokers (both startups and established brands) launching a mobile version of their online trading platforms. Trading on the go is fast becoming a baseline expectation from traders, and it also bypasses development challenges with desktop trading apps. These reasons might be why you’re here; if so you’re in the right place! 

Can you build your own trading platform app?

You can certainly build your own stock trading mobile app, but this approach is considered ambitious given the complexities. There are lots of moving parts that all need to execute their functions perfectly while in sync with each other. 

For example, most apps provide real-time market data, trading tools, charting libraries, account and portfolio management dashboards, news feeds, notifications, and educational resources. Building or integrating all of these components from scratch takes a certain level of expertise. 

When there are knowledge and experience gaps, it almost always leads to unforeseen costs and delayed launch times. Firms building their own apps benefit from total freedom and control but must be ready for these pitfalls. 

For this reason, the most common approach is to outsource the development of trading apps. Firms can lean on the vendor’s expertise and set clear expectations of the deliverables and budgets. Most importantly, firms can immediately access a specialized and skilled development team, with backend developers experienced in building apps. 

How much does it cost to start a trading platform app?

The cost of a stock trading app varies greatly. A ballpark figure starts at around $40,000 and can reach well above $100,000, depending on what the app needs to deliver.

Let’s take a look at the factors that will influence cost.

Features and functionality

Some firms may only need standard features like user authentication, trading and portfolio functions, push notifications, etc. However, more modern and advanced features like AI integrations to provide personalized and intuitive user experiences will increase the budget. 


Here is where it is important to do your research. An outdated and poor user interface will make it hard for your app to stand out and be competitive.

Choose a vendor that is an expert in design for financial software, and can demonstrate they consistently deliver modern and appealing designs on all of their projects. 

Tech stack

What frontend, backend, and security-related financial technologies will you need to provide the best services to your clients?  Because a trading app deals with money and assets, performance is directly connected to speed, latency, and resilience against security threats.

Regulatory compliance 

Where your firm is registered, and the regions you intend to provide services via your app, may also influence the scope of resources required.

To help keep this to a minimum, engage a vendor experienced in executing similar projects across varying international jurisdictions.

A useful tip is to determine the regulatory bodies that apply to your app (SEC, FINRA) and their respective requirements before development. We have a great broker-dealer regulation explainer here

How much revenue do stock trading apps generate?

According to Global Markers Insights (GMI), the Stock Trading App and Investing Applications Market was valued at USD 21.1 billion in 2022 and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 19%+ from 2023 to 2032. 

Business of Apps reports that over 130 million people used stock trading apps in 2021. 

How to build a trading platform app: The basics

Identifying your target audience

The first step is to narrow down what pockets of the financial markets your stock trading platform will aim to attract and provide services to.

This is achieved by conducting market research and analyzing trading market trends. How will your app bring something unique to the table for traders? Having these foundational questions nailed down will help guide the development efficiently.

Learn more about identifying target audiences within the trading industry here

iOS, Android, or both?

Next up is selecting the right platform based on your findings from the previous step.

Does your target audience use one platform more predominantly than the other? Does the user experience and functionality you want to provide in your app align with both platforms? These decisions will help make sure your trading software development approach is practical. 

Choosing a technology vendor to build your app

Choose a reputable trading app development company with experience in building financial applications.

Ensure they have a strong portfolio, understand your vision, and can meet your technical requirements within your budget and timeline. 

Testing phase 

In this stage, it’s time to iron out any bugs. Thorough testing methods will need to be used to ensure security is adequately resilient and confirm that all features work as intended. This includes functional testing, performance testing, and user acceptance testing. 

Launch app

The finish line! To submit your app to app stores like Apple and Google Play for review and approval, you need to ensure your app adheres to the store’s guidelines and requirements.

Post-launching, continued maintenance and evaluation of performance will be required. 

Why should you invest in stock trading app development?

Investing in stock market app development offers several compelling advantages. The convenience of app-based trading is a dominating influence, driving a shift towards digital trading. A user-friendly, feature-rich trading platform app, can attract a wide range of end-users, increasing revenue potential. Firms can also generate in-app revenue via premium services and advertising. 

Trading platform development is also shifting towards AI-powered personalization. The ‘app’ format is most suitable to maximize the benefits of this experience, because users have grown accustomed to receiving tailored news feeds, and push notifications to their preferred messaging platforms, within the app environment on their devices.

This enhancement increases engagement and retention, and therefore revenue. Learn more about how firms use AI to personalize the trading experience and automate customer service, all within a single widget inside their trading platform. 

The bottom line

Experienced trading platform developers provide a unique understanding of the financial markets and regulatory requirements. This is crucial for building a high-performance, secure, and compliant platform. They also offer factor scalability into their solutions, so your app can maintain performance as you grow. 

Collaborating with a technology vendor to build your app reduces development time, resources, and costs. Vendors like Devexperts who have 20+ years of experience, already have established frameworks and best practices that streamline the development process, allowing you to launch fast with a quality product, and focus your efforts on user acquisition.

Are you considering launching a stock trading app?

Reach out to the Devexperts team to discuss your project goals.